(Introducing dAta pRoteCtion AnDprivacy issuEs at schoolSin the European Union),


European Commission Directorate General Justice Co-funding by theEuropeanUnion under Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Programme

Activities of the project, aiming at raising awareness in schools in the European Union about data protection and privacy as well as giving teachers the necessary knowledge and materials by organising a two-day seminar and disseminating the gained information among school children, address the call priority “Data protection and privacy rights” (DATA) as reinforcing children’s protection of personal data in the online environment, raising awareness on the relevant issues and providing training on data protection. All these actions are included in the planned project. The project’s aim is to actively reach out to schools, by organising a two - day semiar for teachers and involve them in the initiatives (contest) which will provide them and their pupils with an elevated view and understanding of data protection and privacy issues. Publishing educational materials or narrative teaching solely based on textbooks are no loger sufficient. New teaching methods which meet the needs of the students should be embedded to the curricula to develop an effective approach in data protection and privacy education. Creating personalized and real-world lesson scenarios can capture children's interest and enhance their engagement besides providing context around concepts and skills to help preparing them to use what they’ve learned in future situations. For that reason, this project is placing an emphasis on lesson scenarios based teaching approach and organising a contest to encourage the deployment of it.


Video recordings of the winner lessons 1st.mp4 2016.03.24
special award.mp4