Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Tamás Bendik, General Vice President
Professional experience
- July 2023 - National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH)
General Vice-President
- April 2018 - July 2023 National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH)
Chief Strategic Advisor to the President
- November 2013 - April 2018 Ministry of Justice
Professional Advisor
- August 2013 - November 2013 Ministry of National Development
Deputy Head of Department
- November 2006 - August 2013 Ministry of Public Administration and Justice (and its predecessors)
Legal Advisor; Professional Advisor, Acting Head of Unit
Professional activity
- Council of the European Union, Working Party on Information Exchange and Data Protection (DAPIX): 2012-2016.
- European Commission, Committee on Data Protection: 2016-2017.
- Council of Europe, Consultative Committee of the Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data (T-PD): 2019-
Teaching activities
- Institute for Postgraduate Legal Studies at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), “Lawyer specialised in Data Security and Data Protection” Training Programme
- Institute for Public Administration Further Training at Ludovika University of Public Service, “EU Data Protection Consultant” Training Programme
- Institute for Postgraduate Legal Studies at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
Lawyer Specialised in Data Security and Data Protection (LL.M.), 2018.
Codifier (Regulatory) Lawyer (LL.M.), 2009.
- ELTE Faculty of Law and Political Science: Lawyer (summa cum laude), 2007.
- University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law: Erasmus Scholar, 2005.
- Mathias Corvinus Collegium: International Relations Expert, 2007.
Professional exams
- Bar Exam (2012, with distinction)
- Specialised Examination in Public Administration (2009, with distinction)
- NAIH Silver Medal “for his outstanding work in the consistent representation of the Hungarian position in the process of adopting the EU data protection reform package, as well as the professional aspects during the related domestic legislative process” (National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, 2019.)
- Ministerial Certificate of Appreciation “for outstanding professional activity in the Ministry of Justice” (Ministry of Justice, 2018)
- Scholarship of the Republic- National Higher Education Scholarship (ELTE Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, 2004, 2005, 2006)
- First in the Class (ELTE Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, 2003)
- Trefort Medal of Excellence (ELTE Trefort Ágoston Training School, 2002)
- Magyarázat a GDPR-ról [Explanation of the GDPR], Chapters 1, 2 (Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2018, 2021, Ed. Dr. Péter Buzás, Dr. Attila Péterfalvi, Dr. Balázs Révész)
- The New EU Data Protection Regime: Setting Global Standards for the Right to Personal Data Protection, "Hungary" Chapter (Congress Publications, The Hague, 2020., Vol. 2., Ed. J.J. Rijpma)
- A GDPR keletkezése és a magyar jogrendszerre gyakorolt hatása [The emergence of the GDPR and its impact on the Hungarian legal system] – In: Péterfalvi, Attila (ed.) Szemelvények az információs jogok felügyeletének elmúlt 25 évéből, Budapest, Magyarország: Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság (NAIH) (2020) 79 -109., 90
- Az adatvédelem hazai és európai uniós szabályozása és alapintézményei (elektronikus dok.) [National and EU data protection legislation and basic institutions], Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Államtudományi és Közigazgatási Kar, 2019.
- Az adatvédelmi reformon innen és azon túl: változások a személyes adatok védelmére vonatkozó szabályozásban [Data protection reform within and beyond: changes in the regulation of personal data protection] / Bendik Tamás, Galambos Gábor János. – In: Fontes Iuris ISSN 2416-2159. – 4/1. (2018) p. 72-76.